St Stephen’s

St Stephen's is a friendly evangelical church in the south of the city of Derby.

We are a community of believers of all ages who enjoy worshipping together, learning together and encouraging one other. If you are someone who is looking into the Christian faith or you have been a Christian for years you would be very welcome to join with us – we would love to meet with you.

Sunday Services

Our services start at 10am. We have groups for all children aged 5-11. Everyone starts together in church before the children move to their groups. Everyone is welcome.


Join us on Mondays from 9-11am for Sparklers Toddler Group for pre-school children and their parents/carers.

Who’s who
Find us

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay. If someone is in immediate danger you should call 999.

Parish safeguarding officer: Vincent Shore, 01332 773093

Diocesan safeguarding adviser: 01332 388678,